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Exhibit ¹2
Results of independent metrological testing of programs for calculation of the heart rate variability parameters

7.6. Results of testing at extremely low powers of spectrum of HRV

In clinical terms extremely low powers of spectrum of HRV can meet at critical conditions, heavy damages of cerebrum, sausage-poisoning, protractedly current sugar diabetes.

I will take advantage of own database and will make concrete examples.

1. Spectrum of HRV for a woman (62) with the heavy poisoning carbon monoxide before the third session of Hyperbaric ohygenation (HBO) (time of record of data 2000/05/12 07:18, file number in sew on to the database 00171312) of Description of selection: middle duration of RR 1019ms, variation of 40ms, TP -75ms2, VLF = 51ms2; LF = 11ms2; HF = 12ms2


2. A next example is a spectrum of HRV for a young man with the heavy poisoning carbon monoxide in the terminal stage of gipoxic damage of cerebrum (record from 1995/11/10, time 17:21, file in sew on to the database 00262038). Descriptions of selection: middle duration of RR 431ms, variation of 16ms, TP -5,01ms2, VLF = 1,57ms2; LF = 2,4ms2; HF = 1,09ms2


3. Another example is a spectrum of HRV for a young woman with heavy sausage-poisoning, record from 2002/09/23, time 07:34, file in sew on to the database 00980733). Descriptions of selection: middle duration of RR 533ms, variation of 13ms, TP -11,5ms2, VLF = 10,4ms2; LF =0,94ms2; HF = 0,097ms2

In sew on a database such examples is enough much.

Other group of objects of researches are animals in experimental researches. In the top copy of Cabinet of curiosities, in a section, devoted the methods of researches (on Rus), the problem of using the standard methodic of HRV (CardioLab+) is analysed for researching of HRV for rats. An author rotined that middle powers of spectrum in the ranges of HRV did not exceed 1 ms2. For research of such spectrum power CardioLab+ (as well as three other systems estimations of parameters of HRV, passing procedure of the independent testing) is useless. CardioLab+ system indeed better then two other programs. It calculates extremely low powers of HRV, but it measuring errors remains unacceptable high. So for example, in tests N6 and N9 at the set power 2ms2 only in the ranges of LF and HF the noise (false) constituent is registered by power 3,3ms2 and 4,2ms2 accordingly. These results confirm the conclusion of expert (on Ukr), that at discretisaion frequency of cardiogram of 500Hz we have maximal discriminability of the program CardioLab+ about 4ms2.
All of other programs, except for the program MAK-3 also unsatisfactorily managed with tests with extremely low power of accordions (2ms2).

Thus, it is possible to conclude, that there is a group of clinical situations and objects of experimental researches, for which it is necessary to utillize the special apparatus and programs which provide registration of RR-intervals with exactness no less then 1ms and save RR-intervals with double byte precision. In addition, it is necessary to utillize the HRV-programs with a high spectral discriminability and low noise descriptions.
As be obvious from results of the independent testing, among three estimated programs, none gets along at the correct estimation of extremely low powers of spectrum of HRV. An exception is made by the program MAK-3, which in all of tests calculates the set extremely low power (2ms2) with an error less than 12%

Coming from the results of research we declare that from six testable programs for the estimation of extremely low powers of HRV the noncommercial program MAK-3 is suitable.

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